Yuka App helps you learn what’s in your food

Yuka helps you learn what’s in your food and tell manufacturers to take the bad stuff out. 

We talk a lot about all the toxic food in the American food system, from additives and dyes to pesticides and processes. While we are 100% committed to systemic solutions, the truth is that change on that scale takes time, and we eat three times a day. So, what can we do today to help avoid toxic chemicals in our food?

There is an overwhelming amount of advice out there about what to eat. But, here at FoodFight USA, we don’t want to add to the confusion and the noise. That’s why we really love the Yuka app

Yuka is an app that lets you scan products at the grocery store, and it lets you know what chemicals and additives are in the product along with the risk category of those additives. So, you can decide for yourself if you want to buy that product. This puts the power in your hands to make informed decisions to reduce the amount of additives and chemicals you consume. 

Yuka is easy to use. When shopping, just open the app on your phone and use the camera feature to scan the barcode of the product you want to see. Based on their independent methodology, the product will receive a red, yellow, or green light. You can click for more details, and Yuka will show you the basic nutrition profile, the list of ingredients and additives, and the associated risk. If a product is all green lights, then great! If a product is red or yellow, you can decide how that food fits into your lifestyle in moderation or small amounts, or eliminate it all together. Now that you’re informed, you can make the right decision for you. 

However, too often your favorite products show up with red lights. A snack your kid really likes. A granola that just works for your morning breakfast. It sucks giving those up. But now, Yuka has a new feature that lets you speak truth to power and put pressure on food manufacturers to take toxic ingredients out of your favorite foods. 

In the details page of a product review, scroll down and you have the option to send a pre-populated email to the manufacturer or post about it on X.

This allows your voice to be heard by some of the largest food manufacturers in the world! So put the power back in your hands with the Yuka app. 

If you think it’s time to clean up our food system, become a FoodFight USA Warrior. Sign up below to stay informed with important changes in your food and learn about ways you can make your voice heard.

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