Recap of FDA’s Public Meeting on Enhancing Post-Market Chemical Assessment in Food
September 25, 2024
The FDA Wants to Better Review Food Additives Already in the Market, and They Want Your Input
The FDA recently held a public meeting to introduce a new Post-Market Review process aimed at evaluating the safety of chemicals already in the US food supply. While this is a step toward improving food safety, concerns remain about the speed and caution of the proposed process, especially given the backlog of chemicals needing assessment.
On September 25, 2024, the FDA hosted a public meeting to discuss its plans for a new systematic process to assess chemicals in food. Called the Post-Market Review process, this meeting specifically focused on determining the safety of chemicals already in our food. Notably, it did not address closing the GRAS loophole or increasing pre-market reviews. So, while improving the post-market review process isn’t a complete fix, it is a critical step since there are over 10,000 chemicals in America’s food, and thousands of them have never been reviewed by the FDA.
The FDA’s proposal seeks to create a more transparent and structured method for evaluating the safety of food chemicals after they’ve hit the market. This includes everything from food additives and colorings to food contact substances and potential contaminants. The goal is to improve how the FDA identifies and prioritizes these chemicals for safety reviews, which is key in maintaining the health and trust of the public. Even with pre-market approvals, science is always evolving, and the FDA must be able to respond to new information.
Key Highlights from the Meeting
The meeting took place both in person at the FDA’s White Oak Campus and virtually. The FDA panel presented their new approach and sought feedback on how to improve the process further. We feel that the proposed process isn’t sufficiently cautious in determining risk of a chemical, nor is it designed to move quickly enough to address the backlog of concerning chemicals in the market.
During the public comment section, elected officials from both parties spoke, as well as industry spokespeople, consumer advocates and concerned citizens. Our founder, Todd Wagner, took the opportunity to address the panel. Wagner emphasized the importance of leveraging modern technology, such as data analytics and AI, to conduct chemical reviews more rapidly. He noted that these tools could accelerate the assessment process, ensuring that potentially harmful chemicals are identified and addressed faster. His call for a tech-driven solution resonated with many attendees who agree that the current review system could benefit from innovation.
A Step in the Right Direction – Maybe
There’s cautious optimism that the FDA is moving in the right direction by at least trying to address the current inactivity in post-market reviews. The proposal suggests they’re interested in addressing concerns over food safety more proactively and transparently; however, as with any policy change, time will tell if the actual implementation brings meaningful improvements. We’ve seen well-intentioned policies before, but the real challenge lies in turning plans into actionable and effective practices.
We will be closely monitoring how the process unfolds to ensure it delivers on its potential.
How YOU Can Help!
If you are ready for a Food Fight, you can make sure your voice is heard by submitting a message directly to the FDA, HHS, and your Congressional representatives. Don’t worry… we’ve made it really easy for you. Just click on this link to our interactive map, and you’ll have your message sent in a matter of minutes.